"Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going."
- Sam Levenson, American author (1911 - 1980)
Grant me finally, O Lord my God, science in knowing you, diligence in seeking you, wisdom in finding you, a conduct pleasing to you, a perseverance trustfully awaiting you, and a confidence finally embracing you. May I endure your punishments by penitence; profit by your benefits by grace in this world, and enjoy your blessedness by glory in the next; Who lives and reigns, true God, forever and ever. Amen
An indulgence of 3 years, once a day- Pope Leo XIII., Jan. 17, 1888
"I have come to the conclusion that the most important element in human life is faith." - Rose Kennedy, American author (1890 - 1995)
Today, Giving Tuesday, is celebrated in the secular world as a feel good event. Give to your local charity or international care organization.
There was a popular song many, many years ago. That spoke of changes. My question for today is.. are we ready for a change? But the change I am calling for is one of interior. Are we willing to change our hearts and minds to be the living presence of God here on this big marble circling the sun? Let's make some small changes, begin with a few additional prayers during the day. Nothing elaborate. Pray for your coworker who is having a difficult time at home or on the job. Pray for the parents in front of you in the checkout line with their children in tow. Pray for the farmer who took the time to grow food so you can feed your family tonight. God bless you.
Remember, small steps still move us forward.
“Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you. Amen.”
― Thomas Aquinas